Assignment #7 What Color Are You?

For my color I captured an image of a pink flower. It was not hard for me to choose pink becuase I think that color really describes me. Pink describes me becuase it is the color of kindness, empathy, and insightfulness. I believe I am all of these things becuase I have been told I am by many people. I also think I am a kind person becuase people seem to always like me which means that I am probably kind. Another reason why pink describes me is that it is seen in multiple shades, just as I have multiple qualities that correspond with the color. Lastly, I picked that font for the word pink becuase I believe that it is a fun font and I am a fun person. In conclusion, pink is a fun color that completely describes me. 


  1. I see you as a kind person as well! Thank you. (I love pink...)


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