Assignment #15 Light...When it's right it's right.

ISO 1600  ƒ/3.5 SS 1/1600
I adjusted this to make it a bit brighter becuase it was too dark.  

ISO 1600  ƒ/5.3  SS 1/1000
I also adjusted this one to be a little brighter becuase it was kind of dark outside. 

ISO 400  ƒ/4.5  SS 1/1000
I made this one a little darker becuase the light was very harsh outside, which made it difficult to get the brightness just right.

The hardest part of the assignment for me was figuring out what adjustments to make in certain lighting. For the first two images it was very difficult to get the right settings becuase it was dark and hazy outside, but there was some light coming from the setting sun. The most interesting part of the assignment was figuring out where to go and what time to go there to get the most interesting and pretty light possible, To me, the last picture was the most successful becuase I love the way that the background is brighter than her face. 


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